2 Learn to Read Modules
The 2 Learn to Read Course is made up of the following three sequential modules:
Content of our three modules
The Davis® Focusing Skills are the most important skills of this course, and they take between 1-2 hours to learn but will last you a lifetime. Focus is the cornerstone of learning. When a child is properly focused, perceptions will be accurate, and learning can be made easy.
- Release
- Focus
- Koosh-ball Exercises
- Dial-setting
Davis® Symbol Mastery is a technique to help a child create and master the elements of written or spoken symbols, such as letters, punctuation marks and words. Depending on your child’s previous knowledge, it will take between 4 and 20 hours to master.
- Basic Guidelines
- Letter Mastery
- Alphabet Mastery
- Punctuation Mastery
- Dictionary Mastery
- Symbol Mastery
- Procedure for Words
- Basic Word List
These three progressive reading exercises help with reading skills such as: tracking, left to right orientation, accurate word recognition and comprehension. Once all the letters and punctuation marks have been mastered, it should only take your child 5-10 hours to master the basics of reading. Full mastery of reading is then achieved over another 50-odd hours, which you can schedule as you see fit, often spread over 2-3 years.
- Spell-Reading
- Sweep-Sweep-Spell
- Picture-at-Punctuation
The only materials you need are about 1 kg of plasticine/modelling clay (or you can make your own play-dough), and two Koosh-balls (or you could make your own pom-pom balls).
Please make sure you also join our free
2 Learn to Read Facebook peer-to-peer support group.
2 Learn to Read is NOT a REMEDIAL reading programme.
If your child is 8 years of age or older and still struggles with reading, writing, spelling, maths, co-ordination and/or attention/impulse control (ADHD), you will need MORE than this online course offers.
Click below to explore remedial Davis resources.
2 Learn to Read is based on the Davis Young Learners Kit for Home Use, which again is inspired by the Davis® Learning Strategies for schools, conceived in 1994 by Ron Davis, author of The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning, and Sharon Pfeiffer. Their goal was to adapt the tremendously successful Davis Dyslexia Correction® methods to TEACH young children, ages 5-7, life long learning skills which would PREVENT the development of learning disabilities or problems. After piloting these methods for six years in six Californian schools, they achieved this goal and more, as you can see in the video below.
They found that these methods enhanced the learning abilities of ALL types of young learners. Children who were struggling to learn letters and words improved dramatically. Children with strong language skills became even better readers, spellers and writers.
The Davis learning methods provide children with the conceptual skills needed to develop reading fluency and comprehension. At its heart are techniques for focusing attention and understanding the meaning and roles of the most commonly encountered symbols and function words of language. These skills also help children develop excellent visual memory of key words, which complements and enhances phonetic decoding skills.
This approach will enhance a child’s learning experience in the primary grades, and pave the way for academic success in later years.
The most important thing to keep in mind as you use this programme is to make learning and using each skill fun, playful and easy for your child. Any learning process, if used to rush or push children beyond their tolerance for confusion or their developmental readiness, can create a learning problem rather than prevent it!”